Crime And Justice: Sylville Smith, By Ray Sanchez

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This article about crime and justice is called Milwaukee officer knew Sylville Smith, family says. It was written by Ray Sanchez and published on August 19, 2016 on Milwaukee, Wisconsin is one of the most racially discriminated city between the Caucasian and African American residence. It is known as one of the worst places for African American to live in the United States. Causcausin are scared to go in the “hood”( where most African Americans live) and the opposite for African Americans. So, the anger that the African Americans have for police brutality and unnecessary killing is higher than other cities. “Community leaders said the violence was [also] a byproduct of inequities, injustice, unemployment and lack of educational opportunities.” …show more content…

Smith and another male was pulled over by Heaggan and another officer, and they fled. Smith had a handgun in his hand that had reported stolen and after the multiple times Heaggan told him to put the weapon down, Heaggan shot and killed Smith. His sister, Sherelle Smith, said,” The officer knew him personally from high school [and the neighborhood] and he still shot him. He didn't like my brother. The officer had a career, but my brother was more popular. He used to harass Sylville.” This shows that the murder could have had more to do with how Heaggan personally felt about Smih than about the crime he committed. The school district denied that they went to the same high school, yet it’s known around the town that they did and knew each from the neighborhood