Crime And Punishment Agatha Christie Quotes

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Writing is a social art, comprised of response and communication. As a writer, one tends to react to their environment and illustrate their own views. Fyodor Dostoyevsky exemplifies a “good writer” by listening to the world around him, and ultimately showing his own perspective. Throughout Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky displays his agreement with a quote from Agatha Christie: “If you love, you will suffer, and if you do not love, you do not know the meaning of a Christian life.” He shows this agreement through Sonia and Raskolnikov. Before Dostoyevsky’s viewpoint can be analyzed, we must first understand the meaning of the quote itself. The quote from Agatha Christie: “If you love, you will suffer, and if you do not love, you do not know the meaning of a Christian life.” essentially has two sides to it. One side, “If you love, you will suffer…” manifests the idea that through loving someone, a person will experience suffering; and through suffering, one will know the meaning of a Christian life. On the other hand, “...and if you do not love, you do not know …show more content…

She is meant to represent the the suffering of humanity and a Christ-like figure in the novel. Dostoyevsky’s manipulation of Sonia’s character shows his agreement that suffering is the meaning of a Christian life. Also, Dostoyevsky uses Raskolnikov to show the negative side of the quote. Raskolnikov shows detachment to society and arrogance throughout the entire novel. He does not want to accept any type of suffering and, therefore, can not live a life through God. Dostoyevsky controlled Raskolnikov 's character into inherently agreeing with Christie’s quote, as his life of hate lead him into an existence disengaged from