Criminal Justice Career Essay

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Throughout my adolescent life, I never had an idea of what I wanted to do as a career. It seemed as if all my peers had some kind of idea but I was just stuck. If I knew one thing about what I wanted to do when I was older, it would be that I wanted to help make a difference for the better along with helping others improve their lives. When I decided that I wanted to major in criminal justice, I kept that factor in mind. As of right now, the career I am most interested in for the criminal justice field would be a Correctional Treatment Specialist. A Correctional Treatment Specialist, often called a case manager or correctional counselor, is essentially someone who works with criminal offenders and assists in their transition from the prison world to the real world. A correctional treatment specialist’s counseling work often involves counseling related to sexual abuse, anger management, or drug abuse. Typical duties for this career include studying past behavior, evaluation of an inmate’s social progress, and helping acquire job …show more content…

They are the professionals who link the criminal justice system and social services systems. They work in order to determine the needs of offenders and develop a plan to be followed while incarcerated and throughout their probation, parole or release. Parole officers work alongside correctional treatment specialists to ensure that the plans are being followed. In this career, good communication skills are required. With doing the evaluation of behavior, one must conduct interviews with the intimate themselves and even consult with correctional officers, supervisory personnel, and psychologists. Without a doubt, there will be difficult people to work with. Patience and understanding are two critical factors to have in this career. Having thick skin will also be helpful because the career is not meant to be taken