The reason behind this is that Heidegger was aiming to break the classic philosophical tradition through neologism, which has diminished the intelligibility of his texts. Neologism is the invention of new words, and the philosophical thought behind it is to invent words that are in their essence of originality free of any philosophical connotations from the past. (Dreyfus, 2005, p.1) Heidegger was a German philosopher, which linguistically gave Germans an advantage in understanding his texts because Heidegger coined neologies that are difficult to translate into English. Therefore, the German versions of the neologies are often cited to keep the new meaning and get rid of any old connotation that a translated word would have. The neology …show more content…
CDA does not have a distinct methodology that can be imitated; it has a rather interdisciplinary methodology that each researcher chooses depending on their field of research. Interdisciplinary research deals with two or more academic disciplines that are incorporated to solve a problem. (Fairclough, 1989) Fairclough (1999) emphasises the need to question all textual representations in the contemporary textually mediated society, to determine whose representations they are, who benefits from them and what social relations they draw us into. Since the textual media is among the apparatuses of power of this society, which is trusted with communication and distribution of information out to the public, it becomes relevant to critically analyse the strategies and ideologies which may seem invisible to, and undetected by, the uncritical reader. Metaphors are used as strategic tools of persuasion, which influences the uncritical readers understanding of reality. CDA as an analytical tool has a very broad spectre, though the tools used for this study are adapted from Fowlers book Language in the News (1991). Fowler (1991) recommends using appropriate linguistic tools to analyse, and referring to relevant historical and social context, can bring ideology, normally hidden through habitualisation of discourse, to the surface for analysis (p. 89). As mentioned CDA is a broad spectre of tools that can be used to analyse though the essential ones for this paper are brought forward