
Critical Thinking Quotes For Research Paper

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When I hit my bed, I think

Yesterday night I thought about the up and down’s, life as it was and life as it is

A time in your life where you were faced with an extremely tedious obstacle, but imagine this obstacle not like a huge rock that you can climb over but a steel box which is locked from the outside. You are trapped in it and the only way to get out, is to wait for someone from the outside to open the door or wait until you’re strong enough to finally break down the door yourself. This is a metaphor of course, and if you’re still not sure about what is being expressed, then look into yourself and find a time in your life where you’ve had to face a crisis so bad, a time so rough that you were forced to change and become the person that you are today …show more content…

It is constantly on your mind and so you become obsessed and desperate to finding a solution. Some people might reason and say that ‘YOU’… allowed this to happen to yourself, that you should have been better, that it’s your fault. Those people are not giving you the power to move forward instead they’re providing you with negativity, so that you can further crawl into that hole that you’ve started digging and sleep in it until you rot.

When you are faced with something like this it changes you, for better or worse. You may have fallen into a rough patch and it might have been your fault that you’re still in

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