Criticism Of Mrs. Mallard's Short Story Of An Hour

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A: One specific thing a formalist critic would look at is the meaning behind Mrs. Mallard’s condition, is her heart trouble a physical pain, or is it something with a deeper meaning. Is her heart condition a symbol for something more? That is one thing a formalist critic would look at. Another thing a formalist critic would look closer into is the type of weather used, before Mrs. Mallard is told the news she can be seen looking outside and noticing “The delicious breath of rain” that was in the air, and as she looks closer she is beginning to see patches of blue skies in the distance, this could be seen as another symbol, the light at the end of the tunnel was so close and she was going to be free. The last thing a formalist critic would look at is the imagery used to describe Mrs. Mallard’s jovial mood, “There was a feverish triumph in her eyes,” she believed she was finally going to be …show more content…

A: Three specific things a psychoanalytic critic would look to analyze are the reasoning behind the other family members being cautious to tell Mrs. Mallard the news about her husband's death, and what damage or heartbreaking things has Mr. Mallard done that has caused Mrs. Mallard so much pain and agony? Lastly why was Mrs. Mallards death so sudden, if she had hung on for so long already why could she not go on any longer, was this the final straw? B: The biggest thing that stands out to me is the pain Mrs. Mallard is feeling, her family and friends believe it is a heart condition, when in reality she is just heart broken. As a psychoanalytic critic I would analyze Mrs. Mallard’s emotions throughout the story, from finding out her husband is gone, to him coming back. By analyzing her emotions you would be able to realize whatever Mr. Mallard did to his wife, must have been traumatic, she was in a hospital because of it. It would be very interesting to know what exactly occurred during their time together, as to whatever happened, Mrs. Mallard could not take any more of