
Symbolism In Poe's Poem, The Raven

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The poem “The Raven”, as in many times it has says, it was made through symbolism. And it can affirm that the raven is only a representation of a special part of the human mind of the leading character, specifically, it would be his own subconscious. It can argue this stamen by the fact that; first, it is could say that the poem was set in the protagonist min. Also, it can say that the raven through the story helps to the protagonist to know what was happening in his mind, and finally because others author in different literature’s genres also use animals to represent the thoughts of a character of their work. …show more content…

By the reason that this animal tries that the main character recognizes his own feelings and emotions about the loss of his old love, Leonor. The untamed bird attempts this with a simple dialogue, by his part, between him and the protagonist. In view of the subconscious is defined by the oxford dictionary as: “Of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings”. So, with this description it can be asserted that the protagonist has conflicts to know what it is happening in this deep part of his mind, so he confront all this pain and sorrow with the assistance of this “ebony bird” that came in his life. In addition, this can be support with a quotation of the poem that says: “But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door/ Perched upon a bust of/ Pallas, just above my chamber door/ Perched, and sat, and nothing more.” It can deduce that when the writer refers to Pallas, he wants to allude to Athena, the old Greek goddess of wisdom, because Pallas is another name for Athena, in consideration of this, it can believe that the raven could know something, that might be true and the main character doesn’t know at first sight,

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