
Crooks In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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1. The following suggests that the old man could’ve lost his hand as when “he pointed with his right arm, and out of his sleeve came a round stick-like wrist, but no hand (18).” An accident could’ve occurred on the ranch but instead of leaving, he stayed because he felt like he would’ve been treated fairly at the ranch than at any other.
2a. Crooks gets a crooked back because of an incident “where a horse kicked him (20)” which caused damage to his back.
2b. The old man states that Crooks has ‘books in his room (20)” and we can infer that Crooks is a man …show more content…

Curley assumes that Lennie thinks more highly of himself and thinks that he’s being disrespectful when he didn’t reply to Curley as he demands that “he’s gotta talk when he’s spoke to (25).” This shows how Curley is insecure of himself because he’s a little guy, unlike Lennie. Curley acts like “he’s mad at ‘em because he ain’t a big guy (26)”, which contributes to his boastful …show more content…

George sees Curley’s wife as “a tramp (32)” while Lennie finds her to be “purty (32)”. “she’s got the eye (28)” means that she is seen as a flirtatious whore who plays around a lot with other men as the swamper said that he has “seen her give Slim the eye (28)” behind her husband’s back.
6. Carlson wants Candy to kill his dog because he says that he “can smell that dog a mile away (36)” and that he’s basically useless as he’s “damn near blind [and] can’t eat (36)” on his own. This shows us that during this time period and setting, there wasn’t any veterinarians or any medication that they could give the dog to improve his health or let him down easier than to just shoot him dead and if there was, it would be too expensive.
7. Slim is “a jerkline skinner [and was seen as] the prince of the ranch...[as] his authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject (33)”. The impression that Steinbeck wants the reader to get of Slim is that he is a man that everyone on the ranch respects and is seen as a wise, nice man.
8. Slim “drowned four of ‘em right off [as] she couldn’t feed that many (35)” and this shows that Slim tends to do what’s best for everyone and everything. If he didn’t kill of the four pups, all of the pups could’ve then died because Lulu wouldn’t have been able to produce enough milk to feed all of

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