Cross-Cultural Talent Assessment

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Domestic talent programs may be considered to be global in the sense that candidate pools are becoming increasingly diverse and multilingual. It seems that the demand for cross - cultural talent assessment has reached a tipping point in domestic staffing operations. The globalization of business, increasing diversity within labour markets, and the continued quest for talent combine to heighten the need for cross - cultural talent acquisition and management programs. The term “culture” can be defined in different ways, we use it here to represent the broad set of customs, conventions, language, and beliefs that are predominant in a region.

Global talent assessment program or a domestic program are faced with the challenge of ensuring business …show more content…

ii. Measurement Quality Concerns
A key concern in cross - cultural assessment is that measurement of candidate attributes remains accurate, valid, and unaffected by the adaptation of the assessment from one language and culture to another. To the extent that cultural differences in the interpretation of assessment are less likely to reflect real candidate differences on the attribute of interest.

iii. Professional Challenges
Professional standards and principles for measurement and personnel selection best-practices documents include considerable discussion of technical requirements and considerations for translating and adapting assessments. The principal focus of these standards is upon measurement quality and equivalence of adapted and original measures across candidate pools. In practice, it may be difficult to achieve all of the suggested standards; however, it is advisable to choose assessment tools that adhere to as many of the standards as possible, and to implement adapted tools with these standards in …show more content…

Technology Challenges
Another significant consideration in the cross-cultural deployment of talent assessment tools is the adaptation of the software systems that deliver them. In addition to the assessment content, the user interface with online assessment systems must also be adapted and translated when these systems are intended to operate across cultures.
Cross-cultural assessment raises some complex issues, which if addressed, can help assure the successful deployment of company staffing system in today ’ s diverse talent markets. Careful attention must be paid to adapting assessments to target markets in such a way that the quality of measurement information is preserved and wise staffing decisions can be made in any language.
Not all of our employees will have the desire or the ability to learn as quickly. Here are a few things we can do for those employees who are less prodigious in learning the prevailing language of your work

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