Crucified Jesus Essay

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2:1-5. This study seeks to investigate the liberating idea of the crucified Jesus in the light of 1 Corinthian 1:17 – 2:1-5. If so, this study tries to propose the hermeneutic and homiletical theories we need to adapt to liberation preaching in the light of 1 Corinthian 1:17 – 2:1-5. I hope that this study would enhance us with new ideas and outlooks concerning the idea of the crucified Jesus in the light of 1 Corinthian 1:17 – 2:1-5.
3. Contextual Preaching Method: The Liberation Preaching:
The preachers are expected to preach in a particular context. Therefore, the contextual preaching method considered an essential in the field of homiletics. So, the researcher employs this preaching method to formulate the hermeneutic and homiletical …show more content…

Thompson says that;
Preaching is an act where the living truth of Holy Scripture, understood in the light of concrete exegetical study of the chosen text. It makes a living reality to the preacher by the Holy Spirit, comes active to the hearer as he/she is confronted by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit in judgment and redemption.
Exegesis means that the discovery of what the text means. The original intention of the writer, and the meaning the passage would have held for the readers for whom it was first intended. This is called exegesis.
Exegesis meant at dig out important ideas from a text and proposing them in restructured language to a contemporary hearers yields preaching that is neither textual nor true to the gospel. Exegesis should aim at a sermon that places hearers in the long story of God’s work to fulfil the promises God has made.
Exegesis is essentially text – centred. The exegete is attempting to evoke faith within a believing community.
Exegesis is a research method. Its objective is to uncover the text’s author intended meaning for the original readers and its significance for today’s readers. To attain this goal, the researcher is intents to employ exegetical method as his research