Crucifixion: The Paradox Of Omniscience

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The Bible consists of thousands of people who have had direct contact with Jesus and God. Other people have also claimed to have experienced God. Joan of Arc was a young woman who led the armies of France who claimed she heard voices from God. Constantine was an Emperor who converted to Christianity. He outlawed slavery, crucifixion and made Sunday a day of rest. He claimed that he had a vision from God. Were these great historical events just the product of lunacy? There are many famous people today who also claim to have had an experience with God including George Foreman (the heavyweight world boxing champion), Stephen Baldwin(actor), Mickey Mantle, Dave Dravecky(baseball players), and Kurt Cameron(actor). There are many more interesting stories that you can read about concerning people of faith. You can read many stories from the survivors of the holocaust like the Hiding …show more content…

An omniscient God is self-refuting and contradictory. “If God gives us free will, then he cannot for see what we will do in the future, if that would be possible it wouldn't be free will. So this means that the biblical God cannot be omniscient for he cannot for see our actions.”

Is it logical for God to know all things? Again, this argument shouldn't be used to prove if there is a God because omniscience is just an attribute of God, and not every religion teaches that their God is omniscience. The idea of free-will is even debated within the Christian circles. For example, Calvinism teaches free-will differently than most people would understand it. To understand the concept of free-will, you have to first understand what you mean by free-will.

a) Do you mean that a person is responsible for his or her choices? b) Do you mean that a person has free will to do whatever they desire? c) Do you mean that a person has the ability to choose contrary to their