Crushed By Laura And Tom Mcneal: Summary

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The book I read is “Crushed” by Laura and Tom McNeal. “Crushed” is about a girl with the name Audrey Reed. She goes to Jameson High School and lives with her father and her nanny Oggy. In the book she meets a boy named Wickham Hill. With Wickham having his own problems he is trying to run from he uses Audrey for her money and her smarts. But when Audrey loses her home and has to move into an apartment, Wickham decides that Audrey is not needed anymore for him, so he ignores her and leaves her for her best friend, Lea. With Audrey losing everything her home, Wickham, even her best friend. She feels scared and alone like she has lost everything for sure. But has she really lost everything or has she only lost what she wanted. I think the book