Cue For Treason Chapter 16-20 Analysis

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In chapters 16-20 of the novel, “Cue for Treason” by Geoffrey Trease, Kit and Peter went to the Peel tower to look for Tom Boyd, as he did not come back from the tower the night before. Peter went in and Kit stood watch for anyone coming. Peter discovered the plot of the situation because he overheard two men talking. The plan was to murder the Queen. The murder would happen in the middle of the play, King Henry the Fifth. John Sommers would shoot her from behind the curtain while the cannon would go off so, no one would realize. While Peter was inside, he was unable to find Tom. Kit signaled Peter, a man was coming, but he chose to stay inside as there was no way to get out without being caught. As he was trying to hide from the two men, he …show more content…

When he crossed the river, he was caught by two men who were looking for him. Both men ran after Peter up a cliff until Peter kicked one of the men off the cliff to his death. Peter was not killed by the other man because they wanted information from him. Peter returned home at night meeting Kit and his mother. The next morning, Sir Philip and his men came to Peter’s farm looking for him. Peter and Kit were hiding in the loft of the house. Sir Philip requested he searches the house, but Peter’s father refused to let them in. They began to try to bang the door down. Kit and Peter snuck out of the house through the little dairy window at the back of the house where nobody could see them. They were heading to Keswick to tell Mr. Armthwaite, Justice of the Peace magistrate, what was going on. They soon realized he was part of the plot too. They managed to escape on two of his finest horses and began heading for London to deliver the news to Sir Robert themselves. All in all, both Peter and Kit are safe and off to London to deliver the news of Sir Philip’s plan to Sir Robert and the