Cultural Deviance Theory

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Sugeny Genao
Writing Assignment 3
SOCI 321
February 18, 2018

Why are some successful? Why do some commit crimes? Society has general laws, offenders who break those laws are known as being deviants. Society views robbery, assault, and murder, as deviant acts. Cultural Deviance Theory is a, “branch of social structure theory that sees strain and social disorganization together resulting in a unique lower-class culture that conflicts with conventional social norms” (Siegel, 2018, P. 581). Acts that are viewed as deviant vary between social orders. Deviance can be said to be socially built; the general public chooses what is degenerate, individuals or an individual can be named as aberrance because of their societal position, race, ethnicity …show more content…

Documentation proves that social values make a commitment to criminal behavior, but that the presence of a genuine elective culture in out society has not been found. In any case, a few subcultural pockets, especially with respect to inner-city gangs, certainly exist and gives a few legitimacy for this point of view of deviance. With respect to social disorganization, we’ve established that neighborhood crime-fighting organizations are the hardest to set up in high-crime neighborhoods and the easiest to construct in low rate crime. With all that being said, there have been a few victories. Looking into intervention and outreach programs based on the cultural and subcultural perspectives might be a way to help lower-class, middle-class, or even inner-city …show more content…

I believe lower-class communities are not offered the same opportunities as upper-class. However, there are certain opportunities that are offered in these communities and individuals choose not to take advantage of it, because it is easier to get the money than to work for the money, i.e. welfare. I think it affects the younger population the most because they don’t have encouragement all around. For instance, they might have great programs in the community, counselors who believe in them, teachers who are supportive, but if they go home to a parent who is mentally abusing them and badgering them, then they will feel worthless because that person whom they believe and have trusted their whole life is right, they will never amount to nothing. So ultimately they feel worthless. Another example would be upholding a generational reputation. Some children feel or think they have to uphold a reputation because their dad was the man in the streets. Nonetheless, another great example would be a 6 foot 5 inches black male in a predominantly Black/Hispanic school, poor neighborhood, inner-city, plays basketball, he has the talent but does not apply himself, turns to drugs, dies at 19. Statistics and theories will show that it was inevitable or it was expected. However, same example, but the kid applies himself and focuses on sports, makes it and gets drafted by the NBA, gets out of the ghetto and has everything he