
Cultural Differences Between Muslim Culture And Beliefs

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Muslim culture represents the unification of all the cultures influenced by common beliefs and practices. The guiding religious phenomena and cultural aspects bind its people historically. The religious practices and beliefs of Muslims are centered around the religion of Islam.
The Islamic society recognizes the sexual needs and demands of its people and allow, if not encourage sexual practices of its followers. Although sexuality is an encouraged practice, Islam discriminates male sexuality from female sexuality. In many arguments, it is the husband's duty to fulfill his wife's sexual needs, which are part of her rights as a married woman. This argument is often paired with the statement that this is how society prevents social unrest .

The importance of female fulfillment, while stressing the wives' duty to remain sexually available to their husbands. It's also stress the importance of male guardianship as the required to protect the chastity and modesty of women in their care.Muslim congregations segregate men, women, and children in different groups. On other days the women and children pray at home.Men are expected to offer the five daily prayers at the nearest mosque. Muhammad specifically allowed Muslim women to attend mosques and pray behind men.

The difference between my culture is that gender roles can be switch …show more content…

There is four requirements for learning: observation (environmental), retention (cognitive), reproduction (cognitive), and motivation(both).It is stated that most human behaviour is learned observationally through modeling. Which that mean peolpe from Muslim would have to teach their children how to be raise . Here is a good example lets say , a muslim parent would have to be around that for them to have that culture for their childern to get raise like that.Nobody is going to pick up a culture and through it on a kid within a

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