Music In Amy Tan's Two Kinds

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“I’m from Louisiana, and that’s where I got my start in Cajun music. There’s a huge music scene down there centered around our culture. Those are people that are not making music for a living. They are making music for the fun of it. And I think that’s the best way I could have been introduced to music.” Haster Hays. I relate to this quote because it tells how music has a big impact on our lives. Music can express our different types of emotions that we may feel on certain days. In the Novel Excerpt “Two Kinds,” written by Amy Tan it’s about a mother who was very competitive about music but on the other hand her daughter was very passionate, but her mother destroyed that passion by forcing her to do things she did not want to do. In another …show more content…

This creation has brought joy to my life and helped me through rough times but, there are many different types of music that people may be interested in. I would prefer cajun and hip-hop music over any other kind because growing up with three brothers that is all I would listen to and I got used to hearing it. In the Novel Excerpt “Two Kinds,” Jing-Mei asks her mother “Why don’t you like me the way I am?” she asks this because she does not understand why her mother wants her to be competitive in music but the way she grew up she did not appreciate it like her mother did. In the next Informational Text “What is Cultural Identity,” it shows what can be created from the different values and beliefs people are exposed to. Music caught my attention throughout my childhood experiences. Almost my whole family appreciates music except my younger sibling. My theory is just that she does not understand …show more content…

There’s a huge music scene down there centered around our culture. Those are people that are not making music for a living. They are making music for the fun of it. And I think that’s the best way I could have been introduced to music.” Haster Hays. I relate to this quote because it tells how music has a big impact on our lives. Music can express our different types of emotions that we may feel on certain days. In the Novel Excerpt “Two Kinds,” written by Amy Tan it’s about a mother who was very competitive about music but on the other hand her daughter was very passionate, but her mother destroyed that passion by forcing her to do things she did not want to do. In another example which is an Informational Text called “What is Cultural Identity” made by Elise Trumbull, it talks about different types of identities especially music. I’m a Cajun music loving, athletic, young woman who was born and raised in Lafayette,

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