Fundamental Human Rights

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Evaluate the situation in your country whether fundamental human rights are conflicting with long established cultural norms and values.

By virtue of being human, we are all entitled to fundamental human rights, which in essence, promotes the principle of respect for the individual. Fundamental human rights are understood as rights to which a person is inherently entitled to, simply because she or he is a human being, regardless of their religion, ethnic origin or any other status. However, we can see that these fundamental principles and the rationale behind them can just as well, and are in fact conflicting with that of long established cultural norms and values.

With the passing of time, certain archaic laws that existed in the past have …show more content…

Therefore, atheists and even Satanists are free to follow their beliefs. This right can be seen as contradictory to the social norm of a predominantly Christian country.

We also have the issue of the rights of a child. Now, under the child protection act, it clearly states that children have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, physically or mentally, and that any form of discipline involving violence is unacceptable. However, corporal punishment is widely accepted in schools across the country. Additionally, persons have been engendered with the mentality that they are to discipline their children as they see necessary. Unfortunately, the manner in which they do so, most of the time violates the child’s rights. This is an instance which clearly contradicts the cultural norm of discipline, and the idea of sparing the rod and spoiling the child.

In conclusion, one can see that fundamental human rights does indeed conflict with the social norm and values in Grenada, and the only way for these problems to be resolved is through thoroughly examining them and educating the general public on the issues, so that a state of unity may be