Definitions Of Culture Essay

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Culture is defined as the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. It is a term derived from the Latin “colere”, which means to tend to the earth and grow. It is constantly growing and changing, never stagnant or set in stone. It encompasses anything from food, what people wear, how they act, music, art, food, and beliefs of right and wrong and many other aspects (Zimmerman, 2017).
Culture is learned, it is not biological. This means that a certain culture takes bits and pieces of other cultures, and blends into its own culture through a process of learning other cultures known as acculturation. Culture is shared by other members of the group, enabling members to act in socially appropriate ways and predict how others will act. This doesn’t mean, however, that culture is homogenous. There are many typically many subcultures within any given society. Symbols are the next major characteristic of any culture, and vary across all cultures and are capricious. Language, money, and art are all examples of this characteristic, all being agreed upon to be universally accepted in any culture. In order to fully understand any culture, one must learn all of its aspects, not just a few. This is what is known as holism, or the interconnection of all the various parts of culture. This is the integration characteristic of culture. Dynamism is important to a culture. This means