Curing Cancer Essay

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Curing cancer is a mystery that hasn’t been solved, at least in America. After researching for almost a year, we have been through ups and downs through the project; finding information was hard and trying to find someone to make the medicine was even harder. Since we have already looked into the project and have started the project, we know it will be difficult to make a medicine (even though it is possible), we have decided to make a kit that includes different uses of diets medicine and plants and herbs that can kill cancer, also to boost your immune system. Our race for Curing Cancer takes work and time for trying to find the needs and elements to find a solution for cancer. Our current goal now is to research the purpose of many herbs …show more content…

We will make a website that is explaining the product also this website can be visited to buy the product. Once we have finished and the kit is approved by doctors, we will go to hospitals giving the kit to cancer patients. It will be a long, difficult journey but it is worth saving the many lives! The reason we chose this project is because the health and lives of people are important to us. We want to search and discover ways to help people go through the cancer and find their way through to be healthy. This is also a great opportunity to represent Christ that he will lay his hand on the sick and suffering and bring them to life and live spiritually with him in eternal life without the pain and suffering. Yes, there will be harder times when going through cancer but our cure is like the hand of Christ, protecting, serving, and healing people. That is why this research is important to us. Our project seems very difficult and will take time, so, making a medicine isn’t something any 8th grader would do. Making a medicine might not be apart of the project, however, later on maybe after the 20 time project, we will make a medicine. For the end product we might only have a diet and advice to prevent and fight

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