Current Event: Same-Sex Restrooms In Schools

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Current Event: Same-Sex Restrooms in Schools Introduction Throughout the years, the LGBTQ community has become more and more accepted as a part of society than it has been in past years. In the past few years, a pressing issue for specifically the transgender community has arisen. Many who classify to be transgender would like to use a restroom meant for the opposite sex than that of which they were born. Children are beginning to identify themselves as transgender as well. Should this be allowed in public places and especially in schools? The Importance in Today’s World This issue is important because, as I stated before, this is a more widely accepted idea than it was a decade ago. There have been many movements that celebrate these views …show more content…

I think that children should feel completely safe at school. I believe the whole purpose of rules and laws is to protect all citizens. If an individual is pushing for a law to be pushed, even if they know they will not always feel safe being put in that circumstance, what is the point of even having the law? If we keep pushing for transgender students to use the restroom of their choice, it will only cause more concerns of safety to all members of the …show more content…

I think it could potentially create even more conflicting feelings after puberty has been reached. I do think that high school could be an acceptation to the issue, but I really do feel we should completely avoid this subject with young children, by not even addressing to them that is even an option for them to be called something other than what they were born. I think it is important that they understand what gender they really are first before they really feel that they need to become someone different. As a young girl, I remember thinking about how much better it would be to be a boy at some points in my life, but I never thought I would actually want to turn myself into one. I think adults who push this question on to children at an early age are making a huge mistake in their wording and can say things to these students that could eventually lead them into a belief that is not really meant for them. No one should have any type of influence on what gender someone is, I wholeheartedly believe that is the individuals choice, and there should be no outside opinions or thoughts to help influence them in

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