Cutting For Stone Analysis

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In the novel, Thomas Stone asks, “What treatment in an emergency is administered by ear?” The correct answer is “Words of comfort.” For this week’s discussion essay I will discuss how this moment encompasses the book’s take on medicine. I will discuss if my experiences with doctors or hospitals have held this to be true, as well as to why or why not. I will also discuss how Cutting for Stone informs us on the roles about compassion, faith, and hope in medicine. Upon discussing the above, I will end this discussion with a conclusion. “What treatment in an emergency is administered by ear?” and which the response is “words of comfort” (Verghese, 2009, p. 520). I believe this moment curtails this book as a whole in the sense that the characters …show more content…

They are the ones who care for the patients and who are at their bedside providing the ill patient with hope and providing care in a compassionate and faith-based manner. I believe that the doctors are only with the patients for a very short amount of time, they may give them bad news, but they do not stay with the patient and see what it is that they are going through. In contrast, I do think there are some doctors who spend a little extra time with their patients after grave news have been given and provide them with options and hope. I think doctors may get in a routine of their job and see the patient as an individual, and that each individual should be treated according to their sickness and as well as their attitude, beliefs, and overall condition. In conclusion, not only is compassion, faith, and hope in medicine an important factor when providing care to patients, but it is also important element to life in general. As nurses and health care providers it is our responsibility to provide care with respect and dignity to our patients, as well as to their family. As nurses, we do not always have the time in our assignments that we are given, but it an important factor that we spend quality time with our patients to just listen, as well as provide them with loving