Cyber Bullying In Second Life Written By Sunny Love Holiday

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Cyber bullying in Second Life. Ways to prevent and protect yourself. Written by Sunny Love Holiday Over the course of my 11 year run in Second Life (SL), I have seen my fair share of trolling, Internet stalking, and cyber bullying. The extent that some people will go to make someone's life that they don’t even truly know miserable at all cost is sickening and really quite sad. As of late, I have noticed that this issue has really become completely out of control with nude photos being exposed, and videos of sl to rl hook ups being broadcast on Second Life Facebook like it as pronhub. Let’s not forget to mention the “Let me make fun of your kids” syndrome that has been sweeping the troll nation. With these recent developments, we here at Throne feel it is necessary to break down some of the possible causes of this foolishness and provide our readers with ways to prevent these things from occurring, and how to protect yourself and fight back if it does occur. Understanding why someone would be a cyber bully. …show more content…

SL cyber bullies or tolls are primarily made up of lonely people that are not happy with their real life (RL). Perhaps they didn’t have the type of high school experience that that wanted to have so they bring their old asses here to re-live their glory days and be that “cool” mean kid they were to scared to stand up too. I say this because most of the trolling I have seen has been from people over the age of 28, yet they way they act is more childish than my 13 year of middle school daughter. On the other hand, it could be the simple fact that they are just mean spirited people who have nothing else better to do with themselves then to make people miserable. Either way 9 times out is 10 is has nothing to do with you. They are the ones with the problem and that is something you should always keep in

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