Cyber Bullying Issues

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Bullying is now becoming a major and current issue across the U.S, especially in the education system. It’s messing with student's academic behavior, and normal behavior either during school or afterschool. The mental, and physical stability of teens is being affected negatively in many different types of ways because of bullying becoming an issue. One of the main reasons of why bullying is affecting teens is because of the different ways the bully is carrying out the action. Another aspect affecting teens is the mental and emotional instability causing bullies to mess with teen’s heads. The last main issue is the different types of side effects that comes out of bullying, for instance depression, social anxiety, and etc. which all have a high …show more content…

When a bully is trying to mess with someone they think of how can they hurt the victim, they think of their dislikes and use those dislikes to their advantage. For instance cyberbullying is an example of how modern teens are being bullied, ”Cyberbullying victims have reported more social difficulties and high levels of depression” ( Smokowski, Paul R.,Caroline, Br, Cotter, Katie l. 5 ) as stated in “The Differential impacts of Physical Bullying and Cyberbullying”. It shows how teens can even be affected by online words, cyberbullying is a type of way for cyberbullies (or bullies) to spread fake rumors, and gossip on victims that creates high school drama. This is why teens are having a hard time in their school work, or any other type of daily activity, they have to deal with the fact of someone spreading misinformation, or any embarrassing secrets on the internet for everyone to read just because one dislikes the other. According to The Differential Impacts of Physical Bullying and Cyberbullying, “The effects of cyberbullying victimization are similar to traditional bullying, and includes feelings of anger, sadness, powerlessness, fear, and low-self esteem.” Which means no matter what type of bullying it is, physical or verbal it’s still bullying, which means nothing changes but the type of style the bully is