Cynthia Ann Parker Essay

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Cynthia Ann Parker was born approximately around 1825 to Lucy and Silas M. Parker in Crawford County, Illinois ( Parker was around the age of nine or ten when her family moved to Texas and built Fort Parker. They built a major wall to provide them with protection against natives, on the headwaters of the Navasota River ( Fort Parker was attacked on May 19, 1836 by Comanche, Caddo and Kiowa warriors. They killed most of the residents. The Comanche captured Parker, her younger brother and three others. The other captive was released back to their families, but Parker remained ( Parker was abused at first but gradually she adapts to the Indians way of living.
Parker was then adopted by a Tenowish Comanche couple who cared and raised her like their own daughter …show more content…

With all these things it could not relieve the grief of losing her husband her sons (civilwarwomenblog). Once again Parker has been taken and forced to live among people not of her choosing (forgottennewsmakers). Parker made several unsuccessful attempts to flee to her Comanche family. Three months after her brother Silas took her and his niece to live with him at his Van Zandt County home ( Parker eventually had to be locked up to prevent her from escaping (civilwarwomenblog). They both stay at her brother until he joined the Confederate Army, then they went to live with her sister (forgottennewsmakers). This is where Cynthia Ann led a productive life, learning to weave, spin wool and sew. Neighbours brought hides for her to tan, and she created home remedies from local plants and herbs. She learned to speak English again and was beginning to become literate (civilwarwomenblog). Every attempt Cynthia Ann made to escape she would fail and would be caught and returned.