Soft Skills From The First Few Weeks Of D270

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I’ve gained a lot of insight regarding soft skills from the first few weeks of D270. A few of these ideas regarding communication and managing others have really stuck out to me. One, in particular, is the concept of trust. Before we listen to someone, we first size them up and decide if we trust them. If we don’t trust them, their word is basically meaningless. Only once trust has been established does the logic or argument actually make sense. This stems from the idea that people are mainly emotional, and decisions are made based on this emotion. Looking at an argument objectively, one would expect logic to win out. We’ve learned in D270 that the emotional base is absolutely crucial for communication and management.

The book looks extensively at the idea of individual vs collectivism. This concept is very interesting to me because it is so relevant to the current political …show more content…

Expanding internationally seems like an obvious opportunity to expand a company, increase sales, and decrease risk. What most overlook is how to properly avoid the risk associated with international expansion by understanding a foreign country’s political background. Each of the four categories of political risk is crucial when considering international expansion. Systemic political risk, like currency convertibility, devaluation, and hyperinflation, impacts all business. Procedural political risk impacts the processes and costs of accomplishing tasks. Examples include permits, clearances, and bribes. Distributive political risk, such as taxation, and regulation, changes the share of wealth and power a company or individual possesses. Finally, catastrophic political risk, such as a coup-de-tat, greatly affects a market and can cause abrupt changes in the political/financial landscape. I plan to start my own company someday, and these are all important factors to consider when contemplating international

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