DURT Persuasive Letter

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Dear [Insert Sponsor Name Here], We, the De Smet High School Ultimate Robotics Team also know as DURT, seek to inspire you with the opportunity to partner with us as an official team sponsor. DuRT was formed in 2003 with the goal of helping our fellow students learn problem-solving and critical thinking skills to succeed in more than just robotics competition. We create lasting bonds through the fellowship and gracious professionalism culture of St. Louis FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), Missouri FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and Gateway Robotics Challenge (GRC). You may be thinking: “What is First?”. FIRST, The Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, is about more than robots; it is an organization created to …show more content…

DURT has been a team others strive to be like as is one of the older teams in the competition, consistently make it to state, and truly demonstrate gracious professionalism. Over DURT’s fourteen-year lifespan, the team has won several awards including the J&J Sportsmanship Award and the General Motors Industrial Design Award along with several advances in regional competitions. We learn from our mistakes each year and help guide the new members to avoid these same mistakes. We also help promote these skills within the community by mentoring grade schools all around the St. Louis area through the Clavius Project.We would love to represent your company to them in the best light possible. Every year, teams across the country gather to compete, collaborate, and showcase their robot. An effective process to succeed and grow is to experiment, fail, and utilize lessons learned to break barriers and optimize efficiency. In order to operate at our full potential and grow, we need generous sponsors to provide us with needed …show more content…

(PUT SOMETHING SPECIFIC TO COMPANY HERE ASKING FOR THEIR PRODUCT) There are many ways in which you can sponsor the team whether it be through a donation of equipment, financial support, or any other gift in kind.For your support, DURT would like to promote your company. We will include the recognize your company as a sponsor by including the company name and logo on the robot, the back of our team shirts, and our website. Additionally, we will spread your company name within the FIRST community. If we are able to use your product or donation, then we are able to give full-heartedly recommend your company to our fellow future, technological leaders. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us through our email account: durtrobotics@gmail.com. Please make out any check to De Smet Jesuit High School Robotics Team to the following address: 233 N New Ballas Rd, St. Louis, MO 63141. Any equipment gifted should be similarly addressed and mailed to the above address. With your gift, please send a flash drive with your company’s logo or email it to our coach, Anthony Stawhun, at durtrobitcs@gmail.com. Now that you have read about the passion, ingenuity, and excellence promoted through our team, we hope you are moved to join us in our cause. Thank you for your

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