
Daily Wage Workers Research Paper

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Daily Wage Worker

1. Daily Wage Workers – Introduction & Definition, Estimated %age/size, Key Issues, International Norms – Nishant

Daily Wage Worker - The daily wages workers can come in to the category of the regular employee, if they have completed 240 days in the first year of their employment within a same organization. if they are connected with the main function of the organization then only they can claim permanency.
Daily Wage workers theoretically can be in any profession but are mainly found in primary and secondary industries like agriculture, construction, mining, plantation, manufacturing etc

Comparison of female vs male workers in organized and unorganized sectors

(Source: International Labor Organisation; …show more content…

(http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_534326/lang--en/index.htm; Accessed on 4th October).
As seen in the below chart India ranks among the countries where less than 20% of employed workers are wage employees (i.e. regular salaried employees). This is the lowest number by far in major economies and other countries in this bracket are mainly poor African countries.

A deeper analysis shows that with an exception of very few countries share of non-standary employment has grown significantly from 2004 to 2014. An illustration of select European countries can be seen below the green diamonds represent the share of temporary workers in 2014 and the orange bars in 2004

However, in majority of countries this mode of employment is an involuntary …show more content…

However as the example of Italy “honeymoon” reforms (1997, 2001 & 2003) and sharp rise of temporary employment in Spain from 1984 to 1994 (reaching upto 35% of total employment) and sharp drop between 2007 to 2009 (falling from 31% to 25%) and their attendant economic and social crises show, governments should proceed with caution, taking a comprehensive long term view when impacting labor

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