
Dalai Lama Great Compassion Analysis

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Great Compassion; nying je chenmo, as defined in the Ethic of Compassion essay appeals to many due to personal experience and deeply held moral values. But Great Compassion, while a laudable goal in a perfect world is impossible to put into practice and dangerous to attempt. While the Dalai Lama does not say the everyone must attain Nying je chenmo not live an ethical life his does teach that Great Compassion should be an inspiration to better our world view. Nonsense! Great compassion is as inspiring to the common man as a shark's gills are an inspiration to a scuba diver hoping to dive without a oxygen supply. This paper will explore the weakness and insights of the Dalai Lama's. While most philosophers and religious leaders agree …show more content…

As in previous assignments, compassion guided McNamara decisions realizing that United States was the only one that save the millions of Vietnamese from a cruel and oppressive regime. Thus he was willing to advise the President that it was worthwhile to sacrifice one for the benefit of the many. This course of action seems to be supported the dalai lama's essay which he states there is no ground for discriminating in favor of those who are close to us when we feel compelled to act compassionately. In the case of McNamara, fellow americans.(Bobbitt, Philip. "Calculus and compassion." New York Times 8 July 2009: A25(L). Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Oct. …show more content…

This compassion through proxy merely redistributes pain. To be clear there are some problems that require leadership and delegation but leader should be aware of how much the people under are willing the bear. Only so many live can be sacrificed in war, only so many dollars can be raised, too often leaders are far removed from these realities. Compassion is not bad, aimless universal compassion is worse than apathy. Motivation, the reason for doing the things you do. While to motivation for selfish behaviour; self-preservation, and the pursuit of happiness seems hardwired to the humanity and indeed nature. The motivations for somewhat of an enigma. Scholars and religious leader from Jesus to the Dalai Lama have commented

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