Damien Geter's Argumentative Essay

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The controversial issue of allowing Damien Geter, a man of color, to play the role of Nick, an extremely caucasian character, is debated among many people. Although this issue is extremely problematic, the Edward Albee estate should grant permission for the african american man to play Nick. Our world is already struggling with racism and this would simply add to the issues that have been piled on us already. Accepting Geter as Nick, would mean a few alterations to the script. However, since Albee did not want a change to his writing, it simply would be an adaption to our progressing times, being that this play was set for the 1960s. Since this is a play, producers can adapt the script to fit a person of darker skin color, instead of the original caucasian man. Although Albee did not want this, it would not be fair to the African American people because it practically says that they are not allowed to have the same jobs as a white person. …show more content…

Granting the man of color to play Nick would soften this harsh image of Albee, for the better. So many of his other plays were directed according to his rule. He also previously refused to publish adaptations of the play where their were “mixed-race” couples. Allowing one of his many plays to have a black man play a white man would not affect the feelings and storyline of ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’, simply because the majority of people have seen the original play with the castings according to Albee’s