Damon Thibodeaux-The Rules Of Law

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The Rules of Law
Due process of law is a constitutional protection that the accused or suspected are entitled to. These are rules that must be followed when someone is accused and later arrested for a crime. Unfortunately, there are times when something goes horribly wrong and the accused or suspected could end up on death row fighting for their lives. According to Bohm, procedural law, sometimes called adjective or remedial law, covers such subjects as the way suspects can be legally arrested, searched, interrogated, tried, and punished (Bohm 2017). Damon Thibodeaux, is a man who was confessed of a rape and murder he was completely innocent of and spent 15 long years in Angola Prison on death row. In his case, Damon was pressured into his confession. According to Bohm, after 9 hours of interrogation and no meaniful sleep for 35 hours, Thibodeaux confessed (Bohm 2017). The man was exhausted, repeated what he was told to repeat, and even after things that he confessed to and the crime itself did not match, was still sentenced to prison. 15 years later, Thibodeaux was spared the death penalty, due to, The Innocence Project in New York a national group that reviews cases to help wrongfully incarcerated people by using technology DNA testing. According to the projects data and Acker (2016), …show more content…

Furthermore, police failed to investigate into other people who lived in the same area as the missing child and had a history of paedophilla. Police were also told by the mother of the deceased, that Thibodeaux accompanied her in her search for her daughter, and police pushed that fact to the side. In my opinion, as soon as the trial lawyer was aware of Mr. Thibodeaux subjection to the long period of questioning and the deprivation of sleep, he was to ask that the confession be thrown out. The attorney didn’t even mention the confession at