Dan Harris's The Power Of Negative Thinking: Chapter Analysis

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Dan Harris is a news anchor. He has been a news anchor or journalist for different news affiliations. He had some rough experiences dealing with the competitiveness of the news industry which lead to him having a panic attack on live television. So, Dan Harris wrote a book called 10 % Happier, How he tamed the voice in his head, reduced stress without losing his edge, and found self-help. Needless to say his book is based a true story, his story. Dan covers many issues he faced in his life from abusing ecstasy and cocaine to not receiving the call for jobs he desperately wanted. Chapter six is titled, The Power of Negative Thinking. This chapter resonated to me in regards to dealing with stress at work, at home, and in life in general. Throughout Dan’s journey he reached out to spiritual advisors, counselors, and many more for guidance. In his search for guidance he determines he is interested in the Buddhist religion and meditation. …show more content…

Individuals die from stress related causes every day. There are certain situations which trigger stress. Traffic jams cause stress. Meetings at work cause stress, meetings with the boss also cause stress. Confrontational situations in general cause stress. We do not know what stress does to our bodies. Mr. Harris, replaced his addiction with drugs with a food addiction. This is actually pretty normal with anyone who is addicted to something. They normally replace the addiction. Heart disease, heart failure are a direct cause of stress. Mr. Harris decided to start meditating after he read a book and discussed with his therapist. The steps to meditating are as follows: • Sit

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