Daniel Atkinson Argument

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Having seen boys jump off the cliff his whole life, Daniel Atkinson now stood in the same place, on the same cliff, expected to do the same exact thing.
Every year, on the third of June, a celebration was held in a place called cook’s brook, in the town of rosewood by the people of the town. The celebration consisted of all the town’s people coming together to eat, dance, and have fun. But that wasn’t it. The main part of the celebration was when the boys in the town would dive off a cliff in cook’s brook to fulfill a town tradition symbolizing courage, bravery, and strength.
The cliff of cook’s brook was 98 feet high. Below the cliff was a deep river with a shelf of rock that lay two feet below the surface and reached quarter way out into the width of the water. Diving off the cliff was not simply dangerous, but if not done right, it could kill you. …show more content…

Everyone including his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Atkinson and his older brothers, James and Jackson, who had jumped the cliff years ago, excitedly waited for the third of June when the youngest member of the Atkinson family would fulfill the tradition. However, what they didn’t know was that Daniel had a fear of heights that he had hidden from everyone his whole life. He thought he could just keep it a secret and-and no one would ever find out. But it wasn’t easy to hide a fear of eighths when a whole town stood behind you, waiting for you to jump off a cliff 98 feet above ground