Daodejing: The Book On The Way And Virtue

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China is a mystery and beautiful country because it has more than five thousand years history. There are so many significant people influence Chinese culture and history. Laozi considers one of the important person in Chinese culture because he wrote a text, which called Daodejing. The Dao is “way”, and “De” is virtue. “Jing” is the word the Chinese apply to sacred texts. This book translates to English is “The Book on the Way and Virtue.” This text was written around 6th century BC. This text contains more than 5000 words in the original book. This book was literally significant for Chinese culture. Laozi is also consider the father of Daoism because he was the first person to use the word "Dao" as the basis of his philosophy. According to …show more content…

(Puchner 1344 ) Laozi developed his ideas in this text and his point view of life. This text For this research paper, I will focus on the two important concepts of Daodejing: Dao and De, the major theme of Daodejing: Wu-wei , the strengths and weaknesses of the translations of Daodejing. Dao and De are two important concepts in the Daodejing. The book is divided into two parts. The “Dao” part has thirty-seven chapters, and the “De” part has the other forty-four chapters. Many readers are confused what Dao (道) and De (德) are. “Dao” means “way”, it has a special meaning within the context of Daoism, where it represents the important and sacred process of the universe. “De” means Virtue. Virtue is the inner power that stances from the human sense of right and wrong. Dao would be understand as natural. There is a most significant chapter could express the idea of “Dao”. “The Way is great; Heaven is great; Earth is great, And the …show more content…

In English, this means “non-action”. A lot of people are confused about what is meaning of non-action or non-desire. It’s simply meaning seems like to not do anything, but this is not the true meaning for it. From what I understand, the idea of Wuwei can be understand in two parts. First part is about how government should rule the states, and second is about how human should satisfier with life. According to Bai: “Unfortunately, the world of the late Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, when the Laozi was written or compiled, is precisely a world of too many greedy people, vices, and wars. Against such a background, the Laozi, sanctioning only non-action, small action, or, at most, rare drastic actions, seems to be hopelessly naïve and irrelevant.” (Bai) During the so-called Warring States Period (403-221 B.C.E), China divided into rival states. Sometime there was fighting between states. Laozi is a person who again the war between states. He believes that people would live in a better life if government do not control so much to the society. Anyway, I strong agree about the idea of “Wuwei” for against wars because I believe this world would be better and better without wars and killing. Especially in the modern world, wars should not be a solution for conflict between countries. The second idea about “Wuwei” is how human should satisfier with life. The idea non-action in the

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