The Birds by Daphne du Maurier takes place on a farm overlooking a precipice above the English Channel. The story tells of a man named Nat, his wife and children’s attempt to survive when all birds turn upon hu-mans. They live in a three room cottage on farm land owned by the Trigg family. On the farm, Nat does work and assorted jobs. Nat, while having lunch by the cliffs, notices that there are significantly more birds around than ever before. He also sees how restless the birds were, which leads him to conclude that the weather was going to turn over night. This means that the fall weather they were experiencing would change to winter. Nobody knew that with the weather, the birds would turn over night. In the late ours of the night, Nat heard a sound coming from outside his window. When he went to check on it, a bird bit him. As the birds proliferated, they went into his children’s room. WHO FOUGHT THE BIRDS?? Fought the birds with only a blanket through the night until the birds left. After this, the birds continued to come in greater numbers and with more malice throughout the entirety of the story. An interesting part throughout the story to follow is the …show more content…
Nat has three family members: his wife, his daughter Jill, and his son Johnny. When Nat’s kids were being attacked by the birds, he didn’t hesitate to intervene and fight off the birds. When he went to get Jill from the bus stop as birds accumulated in the sky, he got her a ride home from Mr. Trigg and ran himself. He sacrificed himself to save his daughter, leading to multiple wounds. He sleeps in the kitchen with his wife and kids, because he would not risk leaving them alone in their rooms; he did not trust the boards inside of their chimney. Nat was successful throughout the story; but it can be inferred that eventually (due to the inevitability of the recurring attacks) their household falls, with it Nat and his