Daphne Dumauier's Rebecca Literary Analysis

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Once upon a time, a prince fell in love with a princess from a different castle, asked her mother to marry her and the wish was granted. Yes ladies and gentlemen a typical fairy tale for you. If you would like to define a story as a fairytale, you would normally think it consists of royalty, love, romance and of course a happy ending. In Daphne duMauier’s novel, Rebecca, seems to be a fairy tale when you first glance at the book. The novel is about Maxim de Winter, very rich person, and the narrator, a poor girl with no family and an evil companion. Maxim de Winter rescued the narrator from a low class life-style and then brings her to Manderley. Manderley is a wealthy place in England, a mansion, he makes her low-class to high-class real quick.