Dartington Hall: Employee Engagement And Talent Management Process

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Dartington Hall has well-established HR practices in relation to its design and implementation of engagement and talent management processes. One of the major challenges that organisations face is the placement of effective processes to manage and develop talent. However, the level of development in relation to people processes and systems must reflect the needs of the organisation. How do they engage their staff? 1. Attracting and retaining the best people It is important to have a strong talent management process that delivers on employment promise. This allows you a constant pivotal talent pool (Boudreau and Ramstad 2005, 2007) of competent people in the right location at the right time and producing the right outcomes for the business. …show more content…

They have a mobile workforce, which enables a collective working environment and allows for the sharing of skills resources. They ensure that their reputation with their employees is always positive so that those employees who are leaving leave happy and those returning also are able to fit back into the work culture (White and Leonard, 2016; Pfeffer and Leblebici 1973; Rao and Drazin 2002). However in order to ensure that their employees do not choose to leave for another employer, they work towards closing the gap between what employees need and want in order to have a better work-life …show more content…

To operate in one piece, organisations need to avoid prevailing cultural value priorities (Schwartz, 1999) and ensure that their culture and value is embedded across all the areas in which they operate. Attitudes should be consistent (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977; Goethals and Reckman, 1973) across the organisation and deep-rooted in everyday working practices, policies adhered to and re-enforced with consequences for non-compliance. At Dartington, they ensure that production is a collaborative effort and everyone works seamlessly as a team (Thakur, 2011). White (2016) stated that ‘we have gotten to know our staff and while they are not good at everything, some people are stronger in different areas, so we shuffle them around to find the best position for them. Thakur (2016) also concurs with this notion that in his kitchen, ‘everyone puts their strengths to use without judgement on how much they are capable of. They just work well as a team knowing that their job is

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