Darwinism (Darwinian Theory) was created by Charles Darwin and it follows his theory of evolution, natural selection, gradualism, multiplication of species, and common decent. Darwinism is constantly being revised and enhanced everyday. Darwin’s theory states that we all descended from a common ancestor. His theory of evolution came from the idea of natural selection that biological traits become frequent or less familiar in a population as the success or failure of an inherited trait and being passed down to its offspring. The whole theory of evolution is impossible without the theory of natural selection. (Wikipedia, Darwinism, 2013) Darwin's whole theory of evolution and natural selection started on his journey to the Galapagos Islands. There he noticed the similar aspects of the different kinds of the finches on the islands and how they …show more content…
They have been creating more advanced systems for experimental thinking. Darwin's theories had generated enough evidence that he developed sufficient support for people to adopt his theories. (Dubochet, 2011) Diversity occurs within all populations of organisms, this happens because of the mutations that occur and are successfully passed down to our descendants. Diversity occurs upon any population of creature, some mutations do not influence survival but some can determine life or death of an organism. For example animals like a chameleon can change its color based on its surroundings and can protect it by it being less visible to predators. The attributes that give organisms a survival advantage are transmitted from descendant to descendant. Fitness is fundamental to the theory of natural selection. The fittest organism is most probable of surviving. In other words saying, survival of the fittest but being the fittest is not how long a creature survives but it is how prosperous the organism is at reproducing an offspring. (Wikipedia, Natural Selection ,