Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Vs Natural Selection

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The on-line Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “teleology” as “the fact or character attributed to nature or natural processes of being directed toward an end or shaped by a purpose”, meaning that teleology is a explanation for something in function of its end, purpose or goal. Darwinian evolution is not teleological because there are many articles and readings that does not support Darwinian evolution as the processes in nature as they are driven with their ends, goals and purposes. Since the Darwin’s theory of evolution, people have debated Creationism versus Evolution. Through supporting facts and statements the theory of evolution will be defended as being more than just a theory, and proven as fact. Charles Darwin explained natural selection as a central evolutionary mechanism that could also explain the origin of species, biological diversity, and similarities among related life forms. …show more content…

For example, when giraffes’ food is abundant, the giraffes with longer neck have more likely chance to survive and reproduce comparing to the giraffes with shorter necks because “they can feed off the higher branches”. (pg. 70)But wrong way to look at Darwinian evolution is the idea of giraffes neck getting gradually longer as generation to

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