Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics On Gross And Budget Movies

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After I looked at this data I thought it would be important to look beneath this data and look at the statistics. I ran some descriptive statistics on the gross and budget movie data as shown in figure 1.3. I noticed there some strong outliers because of the max min spread. Also, the skew which looks at the if the data is symmetric is big. I was anticipating this because there are a lot of big budget films that score a lot of gross and have a significate budget. This compared to movies that are indie can make the data very. The next thing I looked at using this data is the correlation between length, Facebook likes, IMDB score, number of critic reviews, Director Facebook likes, Actor 1 Facebook likes, gross, and budget. I did this using the data analysis tool and the correlation option. After I had the data inputted into a new sheet I put a new conational formatting on it to make it easier to look at and …show more content…

This was an interesting this to look at because it showed all the data and if it was related to any other variables. Some interesting results that came with this analysis is that there is a strong correlation between the number of Facebook likes and the number of critic reviews. This is interesting because it shows if there is a lot of interest on certain movies on Facebook they will most likely be reviewed by a greater number of reviewers because of the large audience they appealing to. The second strongest relationship is the one between gross and budget. This means if there is a large budget for a movie then the amount it will gross will be more. Though it is not supper strong meaning there is still a chance a movie will flop. Other interesting thing to not is that some of the lowest relationships are between budget and IMDB score this means there is not relationship between the money spent on a movie