Data Mining: Tradecraft Of Criminal Intelligence Analysis

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Data mining is a term relatively new in the tradecraft of criminal intelligence analysis. Data mining consists of gathering information through analytical applications using multiple sources of data, interpreting the information, and computing the information into valuable intelligence. For years, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have collected data regarding crimes within their jurisdictions. Through data mining, that crime data can now be analyzed to gain insights and to extract knowledge from that information (Kaur, 2017). Privacy issues that law enforcement face is civil rights of privacy and the fourth amendment search and seizure. Historic mining could detect a shift in tactics, technique, and procedure (TTPs) in addition the surveillance is an important part of any agencies intelligence process which could be seen as an invasion of privacy. With many privacy laws enacted, these organizations are limited in what and how much they can do their collection. How can they get around the current laws? …show more content…

Data has become the new “gold” in the mining of intelligence and raw information. According to Isaac, law enforcement agencies utilize the tool of data mining techniques to analyze a target of interest in the commercial behavior to help reveal patterns that can correlate to criminal behavior and determine the big picture concept of a person’s criminality (2006). The intelligence programs across the United States have engaged in mining through large quantities of data also known as “big data,” for prime purpose and reasons of analyzing patterns and trends to develop prediction. Utilizing hot spot analysis, statistical regression, data mining and near repeat methods can be used to help with identifying where crimes could potentially happen through information streams in the criminal intelligence

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