Dave Robinson: A Brief Summary

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Julian Young is a humanities professor at Wake Forest University who holds an M.A. from Cambridge University, an M.A. from Wayne State University, and a Ph. D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a published author for twelve books and several articles that reflect his philosophical interests. Young wrote this book in order to provide a comprehensive biography of Friedrich Nietzsche and demonstrate how certain events in his life may have affected his philosophy and ideology. Young’s book also examines evident themes in Nietzsche’s works and even connects how a certain idea or concept is related to a certain event or period in Nietzsche’s life. Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography is a useful source for examining Nietzsche’s …show more content…

Robinson relates between Nietzsche’s philosophy and key ideas with the basis of postmodernism. Robinson argues that Nietzsche’s nihilism, and prespectivism provide the basis for postmodernism and in the process considers Nietzsche the “great-grandfather” of postmodernism. Moreover, Robinson demonstrates how many postmodernist thinkers such as Jacques Derrida and Jean-Francois Lyotard has been inspired by Nietzsche’s philosophy and even shows similarities between Nietzsche’s ideas and other postmodernist concepts. In addition to connections to postmodernism, Robinson also examines many of Nietzsche’s main concepts and briefly summarizes them. Nietzsche and Postmodernism is an introductory book that introduces many of Nietzsche’s concepts that is suitable for any person including beginner readers. Although Robinson’s book is based on Nietzsche and postmodernism, he concludes that Nietzsche can be made into a postmodernist if his later works are ignored, which proves that Robinson is not trying to impose or label Nietzsche as a postmodernist. Robinson’s book is a useful source as it examines postmodernism using Nietzsche’s ideas, which is a topic that Nietzsche is often associated with, while remaining …show more content…

Bernd Magnus was a holocaust survivor and a philosopher and a professor at the University of California. He has earned a PhD. in philosophical studies from the University of Colombia, as well as many published books such as “Nietzsche’s Existential Imperative”, and “Nietzsche’s Case: Philosophy as/and Literature”, which makes him an expert on Nietzsche’s philosophy . The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche is a complete collection of explaining many of Nietzsche’s ideas and their effects on the modern society. It also views Nietzsche’s works from different perspectives and does not limit Nietzsche’s philosophy to one meaning. This is very useful as most of sources used for this assignment are introductory it is useful to have one sophisticated source with rich details that is written for students with background in philosophy and prior information about Nietzsche’s philosophy. Furthermore, the rich details that are included in The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche make it easier to draw connections between Nietzsche’s life and his main

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