David Brooks By William Blake Essay

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Mikos 1 The author indicates that racial separation is still an issue among the public in the United Kingdom and this issue is still genuine. Therefore, it influences a cutting edge individual when they read the poem. The poem highlights the idea of correspondence among all individuals. The creator endeavors to convey the message that there should be no separation of any sort against those living in the same nation, or by and large, on the same planet. With the author’s specific use of imagery and word choice, metaphors, and symbolism, the poem emerges into a story about those who are different aren’t commonly accepted rather than looking beyond the outside features. The poem’s word choice and imagery, the devices used in the poem, engage …show more content…

In my opinion, William Blake was very productive in raising such thoughts, and because of his capacity to influence the human faculties and raise debatable themes, even advanced society might profit by it and concoct certain answers for the issues he displayed. Blakes metaphors, word choice and imagery, and symbolism of acceptance of all genders, races, and different characteristics or outside features require that the individual acknowledge everyone is different in their own way. He utilizes imagery and word choice, metaphors, and symbolism to present his dislike and insecurities about actual events and discrimination going on throughout the world today among people who are quick to judge and are open minded. His selection of words to describe certain ideas or events that have occurred to him or others reveals that he is deeply frustrated with people discriminating one another and not looking on what counts on the inside. People who have experienced discrimination or rejection from someone of another race show responses of anger. The phrases "White as an angel is the English child" and "For when our souls have learn'd the heat to bear”, all accentuate his

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