
David Canter Summary

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David Canter’s intriguing novel conveys the psychology deeply rooted within these criminals that link them to the crimes they committed. Criminal shadows entails the distinctive “shadows” remaining from each crime that helps lead police straight to the criminals. The wide array of criminal offenders and their unique crime style gave way to psychologists and police officers to piece together bits of significant information to profile a criminal. These miscreants look like ordinary people, like you and me, the only difference is that they perform heinous acts of violence. The techniques and evaluations discussed in this novel eventually helped the future of taking down the criminals. As I was reading the book I noticed that these criminals weren’t always terrible people. The murderers and rapists …show more content…

I wasn’t sure what. I was so frightened. He put his hand over my eyes and mouth.” This quote was given by one of the ten unfortunate rape victims of the same man. This quote stuck with me because I felt it was very disturbing that this woman had no idea that this man was in her house and was about to rape her. The backstory of this man and analyzing his psychology is very intriguing. He was extremely technical in his ways because he would tell the victims to stick it in themselves, showing that no force or penetration was used. This to me was very startling and sickening. This was only one of the ten quotes given and each one shared a similarity. They were all shocked by this man's presence in the middle of the night and were threatened by weapons and violence. I feel as if this quote is pertinent to me because his targets were women students. Going into college next year I will have to keep my guard up because of the crazy world we live in. Since women are typically the victims, I felt like this quote was one that closely drew my attention because I could

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