
David Hume's Argument

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1.The first section has some problems of induction that can support Hume's argument is on text (p.137, §20) mentioned that all objects of human reason or enquiry that be divided naturally into two kinds which is to relations of ideas, matter of facts. Sciences of Geometry, Algebra, and Arithmetic supports this by expressing the relationship between results. It is believed that the was no circle or triangle in nature which is supported by Euclid for retaining the certain and evidence. On (p. 138, § 23) he further clarifies that if we would fulfill ourselves, in this way, concerning the idea of that confirmation, which guarantees us of issues of certainty, we should enquire how we touch base at the learning of circumstances and end results. …show more content…

Per Hume custom is a principle which vents in our experience to be useful to us and make us except what the future holds for us. We experience custom through events that has appeared to occur in the past. Custom is most influential and shouldn’t be ignored by anyone for any reason whatsoever as it comes with memory and senses that are presented. One of the implication is through ignorance one will never know how to adjust means and ends or to empty natural in production of any effect. There is always an end in every situation thus through our conclusions from experiences one carry memory beyond senses and one is assured that the matters that occurred in the most deluded places and remote ages are some facts that must be always be carried forward to the senses or memory. He gives an example on (p.137, §37) and mentions that a man who should find in a desert country the remains of pompous buildings would conclude that the country had, in ancient times have been cultivated by civilized inhabitants, but did nothing of this nature occur to him, he would never form such an inference. After reading what Hume believed in I also think that as we all learn from the events that occurred from the past but one should relate to the current by eliminating part of the past in order to move forward with the knowledge attained. Per Hume he believes that before moving forward that one should have all belief of mater should be derived from objects and presented to the memory and customary between other objects. Thus, a belief is important in placing one’s mind with passion of love. All these are natural occurrences and nobody can prevent them when they occur. Hume remarks that reasoning matters of the fact cannot be extended past memory and the current sense experience. Hume points out that with all the reasoning from the experience certain actions will have consequences. While some force of trials from different kinds when inputting the effects of contiguity. On the other hand, no

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