Day Reporting Center Essay

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I, personally, am a big proponent of day reporting centers but perhaps this is because I would rather, when at all possible, focus on rehabilitation to reduce recidivism than continue to increase the prison population beyond its means. Day reporting centers are nonresidential facilities designed to provide an offender on parole or probation with the resources and supervision necessary to meet the conditions of his or her sentencing. Typically, day centers are open five days a week in the afternoon and evening hours and are staffed with probation officers, volunteers, counselors, and treatment specialist (Allen, Latessa, and Ponder 120). The main purpose of day reporting centers is to offer the offender all the services required of him or her …show more content…

Center services and programs offered would ultimately be dedicated by community needs, however; would include case management, individualized counseling, group therapy for drug and alcohol dependency as well as anger management and domestic violence, drug testing and treatment, education and employment resources, community service opportunities, financial management, parenting, and life skills workshops, referral services for housing and benefits, and supervision. Services and programs offered would be evaluated semi-annual with other services and programs being offered based on individual demands. Participants would be accessed upon being assigned to the day reporting center and a strict schedule created with mandatory reporting required based upon individual needs ranging from 40-80 hours per week. Continuous supervision and case management would ensure compliance with judicial requirements and goal attainment. There is no one size fits all day reporting center but offering an array of services and programs in combination with a solid mission and purpose will prove advantageous for all