There were many hijackings in the 1970’s, but the DB Cooper case is the most well known. A man boarded an airplane in 1971. Then handed a note to a crewmember saying he had a bomb. And asked for 200,000 dollars, then he jumped out of the plane. This set a course of events leading to the DB Cooper mystery. On the afternoon of November 24, 1971, a man was arrested under the identity of Dan Cooper. Approached a counter of Northwest Orient Airlines, Portland, Oregon. Cooper was a quiet man who appeared to be in his mid 40’s. Wearing a business suit with a black tie and white shirt. A little bit after 3:00 pm he handed a note to a stewardess saying he had a bomb in his briefcase and he wanted her to sit with him.Cooper showed a glimpse of wires and red sticks. …show more content…
Cooper kept several crew members on board. And then the plane took off to New Mexico, but somewhere between Seattle and Reno. A little after 8:00 pm, the hijacker did the incredible; he jumped out of the back of the plane with a parachute and ransom money. The pilots landed safely, but Cooper was gone into the night and his fate remains unsolved to this day. William Bill Gosset is one of the many suspects in the Cooper case. William Bill Gosset was a Marine Corps, Army and Army Air Force veteran who served in the Korea and Vietnam. Willam was a skilled parachute and had survival training. So he would have the skills and capabilities to jump out of the plane in these conditions. In 2008, the son of William, he believed his father could have been DB Cooper. (He recalled that in 1998 when he turned 21 his dad took out the FBI sketch of Cooper from a filing cabinet and asked his son who the picture resembled). William Gosset told his son I just want to let you know I hijacked a plane in 1971.Kirk Gosset another son of William said this his father said multiple times he was responsible for the DB Cooper