Db Cooper Research Paper

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Who was DB Cooper? The case of the infamous skyjacker DB Cooper is a famous case that to this day still remains unsolved. However, DB Cooper is not the name the skyjacker used he used the name Dan Cooper but the name was misreported early on and stuck (gizmodo.com). Although many promising suspects have been considered, and some evidence was found, no suspect has been officially declared as the infamous skyjacker DB Cooper. The big question is did DB Cooper die in the fall or did he get away with the money. DB Cooper was a middle aged man who boarded a flight from Oregon to Seattle on a Boeing 727 jet flight 305 on November 24, 1971. DB Cooper was dressed in a suit and sitting in seat 18E when he told a stewardess that he had a bomb and would blow up the plane if his demands weren't met. Once his demands were met he jumped from the plane into the woods and was never found (news.com). Will DB Cooper’s true identity ever be found? DB Cooper seemed like a passenger when he first boarded the plane. DB Cooper is believed to have been in his forties when he hijacked the plane (news.com). “Cooper calmly ordered a bourbon, lit a cigarette, and put on dark sunglasses” (news.com). A little …show more content…

All the suspect’s stories have qualities that make them believable and unbelievable, making it hard to rule out any one completely. DNA has been found on the plane that does not match the DNA of any of the crew members or other passengers on the plane, and is believed to belong to DB Cooper (gizmodo.com). However this is not certain because of the fact that we do not know the true identity of DB Cooper so we can not check the DNA. DNA was also found on the tie DB Cooper left on the plane (gizmodo.com). However the DNA found on the tie comes from three different people (gizmodo.com). The DNA is used when evaluating DB Cooper suspects, but if the suspect does not match the DNA they are not completely ruled out

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