Dbq Learning Task

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Several factors influence my choice of learning tasks, and materials. State standards are one key factor. The learning targets are designed around meeting these state standards. The social studies departmental curriculum also influence the way material is presented. (see context for learning item 3) Thus, students are introduced to the war in the Pacific in a chorological way that builds on one another. In each lesson the lesson follows the same pattern of I do something we do something you do something. In this way, the lessons scaffold on top of one another going from me demonstrating something to students performing that task on their own (Piaget).
Since as stated above my students, come from a mix of school districts I intend to use a …show more content…

Then I build on that knowledge by working with the class on document A (see instructional material 1.1) then let the class work on the rest of the documents in pairs. Through this method student are shown the material, and the work is modeled for them giving students a better understanding of how to read the documents (Bruner). Allowing students to work in pairs allows for peer learning allowing students to work together, and for students who are accelerated in the class to help those who are struggling with the material (Dewey). This also me to walk around the room, and help groups who are struggling allowing for easier monitoring of progress towards the learning target. Lesson 2 starts by comparing, and contrasting FDR’s handling of Japanese Americans, and how Trump wants to handle immigrants (see instructional material 2.1). This not only ties into current events which my students love, but also ties into some of my student’s backgrounds as they are first generation immigrants brining in cultural ties. This situational learning gives students deeper meaning of the information as it is no longer something that …show more content…

Following that, I will play students Kenji by Fort Minor, which ties in music which all of my class loves listening to music so much that I allow them to listen to music while working on homework, and students demand music be played on Pandora which I allow. We then move into inquiry. Students through this inquiry activity build their own hypothesis on why Japanese internment happened (see instructional material 2.2 and 2.3). Like the previous lesson, we will work together on the first two documents. I will give a chance for students to read over the documents. We will then discuss the documents, and the possible reasons as to why the Japanese were interned, and following that the students will work on the documents on their own. Once again, this allows the work to be modeled for students, and for students to have an immediate discussion over the material they just read before working on their own for the other documents (Bruner). In lesson, 3 students are given direct instruction over the Pacific Campaign, and the concept of island hoping, and are introduced to the Navajo code, and that some minorities were praised during the war this ties into previous units where we have examined how America has treated