Dbq Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Everybody is frightened by something. From pig heads impaled on a stick to a dead parachutist falling from the sky, in the world of Lord of the Flies, there are numerous reasons for which one should be scared. In the story, a group of English schoolboys find themselves stranded on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The children have no parents to protect them from the mysterious animal of a “beast” that is haunting them. The “beast” is a legacy that is abundant in changing throughout Lord of the Flies. To begin with, in the beginning, the “beast” resembled fear. According to (document a) the author wrote, “Now there are no comforting mothers to dispel the terrors of the unknown. They externalize these fears into the figure of a “beast.” Also, in (document b), it states, “He was dreaming…. He must have had a nightmare. Stumbling about among all those creepers. More grave nodding; they knew about nightmares.” Little children were frightened because they had no mothers to comfort them and protect them from the “beast” because they were stranded on an island in the middle of …show more content…

In (document c), the author states, “Lord of the Flies, far from being a mere fiction or fable, is also an authentic history of World War II and its psychological aftermath. War is not the mere occasion of the novel, but rather the off-stage protagonist in this drama of evil, determining the behavior of the marooned island.” Also, in (document d), William Golding said, “There was a speck above the island, a figure dropping swiftly beneath a parachute, a figure that hung with dangling limbs….” William Golding wrote the book as authentic history of World War II because he left his job as a teacher to join the Royal Navy. The twins, Sam and Eric,found a dead parachutist that hung with dangling arms that they mistook for the