Dead Forefathers Case Study

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1 By still adopting the constitution is a way of taking ourselves back to times when our forefathers lived almost 250 years ago. Most of the land that our forefathers knew were countries along seaboard and was largely rural places. Most of the economic activities then revolved about slave trade and slaves working for the American forefathers.
Since the 18th centuries, many economic activities have totally been abolished such as the slave trade and new technological ways have been adopted. Those who crafted the constitution in those early days, however wise they were they could not predict the current trend of culture, technology and other aspects which is a case study of why we should not let the dead forefathers’ rules which suited their …show more content…

Though with close study, the constitution provides a legal foundation that our country is built on and if we would abandon it,it meant that we would be forming a precipitate of disaster since our future generations will change it as they grow up. That is why it is important to still adopt it since it was not only to provide a relevance to a certain time situation but to also provide a guiding torch for all those in our governments.

2 The political structure that was used in the past centuries is not viable in our 21st century. In a case where for example one lives in a district governed by congress as provided in the constitution but the people who live in that district have no right to choose whoever will be in that congress.
Our structure for the elections of president of the US too should not be supported in this country as provided by constitution since the electoral college decision is final regardless of the popular vote hence could be biased. This is not a constitutional provisional that is obsolete and should be scrapped of since it is not worth accepting in a time where people should have a democratic right to vote in the person of their